Many people across the nation and across the world are dealing with facing the issues that await them at home because, well, they are spending much more time at home! Problems that were otherwise put on the back burner, like scheduling that exterior waterproofing job, are more often front and center as we walk up the steps of our porch, close that creaky door, see that crack above the living room window, or trip up on the same floorboard throughout the day.
We are bound to do something about these problems (the ones we mentioned are actually signs of foundation damage!) much sooner without the ability to avoid having to acknowledge them, or knowing about the benefits of exterior waterproofing services.
One detrimental problem we know of is the formidable “leak”. Dripping away over and over, we know that water leaking into the home can spell bad news. Despite the solutions we try in our DIY efforts, or fixes we make from the inside of the home, waterproofing your home is the only means to truly put a stop to the moisture intrusion.
Barrier Waterproofing Systems offers multiple solutions for waterproofing your home from both the inside and out, guaranteeing you a much healthier and happier home that is safe from intruding water. Today we are going to touch on exterior basement waterproofing.
This service is a plus to schedule during social distancing, for the very nature of the service takes place outside the home, greatly limiting your contact with anyone else. Exterior waterproofing is the ultimate fix to any leaking foundation. The process seals your foundation from the exterior walls, totally eliminating the possibility of water penetration into your home. There are three fundamental benefits to your home this can achieve, and they are as follows:
Preventing structural decay
The structures primarily affected by decay from moisture intrusion are the blocks of the foundation, the footers to the home, and the still plates that hold things together.
Preventing health risks
Mold growth is very dependent on moisture, and when the site is accompanied with all of the building materials surrounding it to feed on, it can get out of control quickly. Mold growth can cause a multitude of uncomfortable affects to people with sensitivities or those that are exposed to large amounts of it.
Preventing decreased home value
Not only will exterior waterproofing solutions increase the value of your home, keeping the home’s condition preserved from all of the damage it would otherwise undergo from the moisture keeps that higher price locked in as well.
The process entails the dirt earth being excavated away from the home to reveal and gain access to the foundational walls. Then, waterproofing barrier materials are installed and adhered to the home, and a drainage system is installed. Once the job is complete, the job site is put back in tip top shape and the home is then ready for even the most wet weather!
Give Barrier Waterproofing Systems a call at (615) 257-1060 | (931) 536-1168 and schedule to get the benefits of exterior waterproofing installation today.